CEIP Iruarteta HLHI school was created during the 2004-2005 school year. The Basque Government’s Representation of Education gave the opportunity to be enrolled in a D educative-linguistic model to students living in the neighbourhoods surrounding the school: Zabala, San Adrián and Miribilla. It was thanks to 23 families that this iniciative was lighten up too.
It was time to create a school from scratch: two classrooms, four teachers and several families were part of the first teamwork. Everything had to be done: didactic school material, administration, members of the school board, and so on. Even if there was still a lot to do, it was of an utmost importance for the teachers and families.
The families and staff stablished fundamental principles to be followed in the school: “We want a state school which fullfills the neighbourhood’s necessities and which is adapted to nowaday’s requirements. We want our school to give birth to qualified people, democrats, caring and lovers of the place we live in”.
It was not until the 2005-2006 school year that our school was inaugurated. A name was needed and for that, the Management team at that time talked to Euskaltzaindia. This was the information given: “There is a writing piece satanding like this: “Coming up from Ibaizabal to the area of Miravilla, there is a bay window called `The three oaks´”. Therefore, it gave its Basque name to our school: IRUARTETA
During the inauguration of the school, families and neighbours together with institutional representatives decided to plant three oak trees in the garden surrounding the school.
Because of the disproportionate growth of the birth rate in the neighbourhood, the school response had to be adapted: It started as a school with two classrooms per grade and it ended opening a third class per grade and it even doubled it capacity in a variety of grades. The enrollment growth has forced a quick and and effective response not only in an organizational way, but also when it came to schedule adequation, school material, educational plans, and so on.
In June, 2014 it was the year the first class finished its studies in Iruarteta and made all the way to San Adrián High School. There were almost 700 students in IRUARTETA, and there still are nowadays, in 2024.
In 2018 the school refurbishment started, were an extension was designed and a new Kindergarten building was built as exposed on the picture below. It was thought to be arisen next to the gymnasium, in the southern area of the school building. It has an L form, with a 2.365,78 square metres. It comprises two floors, with a capacity to welcome around 350 students between 2 and 5 years-old. In the outside there is a 1,000 square metres playground, a lift and some stairs which will help the communication with the Elementary school building.
- Our school is Basque and we want to develop Basque students.
- It promotes a diversity response throughout the implementation of new methodologies, activities and diverse group-arrangement methods.
- We follow a project-based methodology, while following the newest Curriculum of Education.
- We put faith in teaching and learning processes that respond to our students’ main interests and goals. We would like to stick to projects that give the opportunity for the learning process to be flexible, and not so much to text books.
- We want to give importance to the artistic expressions by participating in different events around our city.
- We have different school committees and in particular we enhance the importance towards the emotional education, which enables a cohesive, inclusive and a personal development.
- We work towards gender equality.
- We care about each student’s individual development, and at the same time, we believe in a cooperative learning methodology.
- As big as it might be, we look forward to a respectful school, which enables silent and peaceful entries and dismissals.
- We want to assure that each community member finds their path in our school community and feels safe and recognized.
- It is our desire to educate responsible and autonomous students, who feel secure in their daily endeavours and that contribute to the school community.
- Our school is a student-centred one, where we develop every activity, timetable, intervention and reinforcement taking our students’ well-being as a main goal.